
Education / Reston

Non-traditional Children Camps

Specialty children's camps throughout Northern Virginia offers children to pursue specific interests.

Fun Ways To Keep Learning in Summer

As summer vacation begins in a few weeks, some parents are scrambling for activities to fill the days for their children. Often that means summer vacations and trips to the pool or the park. Education experts say even in the midst of summer fun, it is important to ensure that children don’t lose the skills they’ve learned during the academic year. However, they say relaxing and having fun are equally important, and suggest a myriad of stealthy tricks that parents can employ for laid-back learning all summer long.

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Poverty in the Classroom: Low-Income Students Scattered Through Northern Virginia

Where are the region's highest poverty schools?

When Carla Castro-Claure was approaching the age when she would soon attend Kindergarten, her mother became increasingly concerned about Hybla Valley Elementary School.

Considering a Private School?

Educational consultants can help families navigate application process.

For families considering an independent school for the 2017-2018 school year, the admissions process begins this fall. From essays and interviews to school visits and standardized tests, the process for getting into kindergarten may feel nearly as daunting as applying to college.

Homework Overload

Some educators say less can be more, stress balance when it comes to homework.

Paula DeMarco dreads one time of day the most: weekday evenings at 5:30. It’s the time she has set aside for her children begin their homework. That means no screen time, music or other distractions.

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Quarterback Promotes ‘Phones Down. Touchdown.’ Initiative

Redskins’ quarterback urges region to put phones down while behind the wheel.

“If I get sacked in a game, I can get back up and move onto the next play — for the most part,” he said. “But when you text and drive, you might not get back up.”

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

Back to School Book Sale

Friends of the Reston Regional Library holds Back to School Book Sale for children, young adults and educators.

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Aldrin Elementary School Art

Aldrin Elementary School, Reston, VA, Fairfax County Public Schools

Children’s and Teens’ Connection

Aldrin Elementary School Essays

Aldrin Elementary School, Reston, VA, Fairfax County Public Schools

Children’s and Teens’ Connection

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart