CORE and THRIVE Advancing Businesses in Fairfax County
This week, the County proudly introduces Fairfax CORE (Connecting Opportunities and Resources for Entrepreneurs), a groundbreaking online platform designed to empower business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs in Fairfax County, including the towns of Clifton and Vienna and cities of Fairfax and Falls Church.

Women’s History Month With Team MVD
In celebration of Women's History Month, it's a pleasure to introduce the dedicated members of Team MVD who tirelessly serve our community.
Houses of Worship Can Develop Affordable Housing
Many faith communities struggle with oversized and aging facilities along with declining membership and revenues.
Providing Support for Everyone in Fairfax County
Sam Proctor grew up here in the Mount Vernon District and attended Walt Whitman Middle School and Mount Vernon High School. Sam has ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome and is currently in remission for stage 3 cancer. Despite facing such challenges, Sam takes everything with a smile and an “I-can-do-this” attitude.
It's Graduation Season!
Our high school and college seniors have even more to look forward to as they celebrate their graduations and embark on their next steps into adulthood.

What’s Happening Besides the Reston Farmers Market
The county is a large, ponderous organization which often struggles to address essential public policy matters efficiently, if at all. Several matters are in need of attention, ones affecting residents’ quality of life and others crippling businesses’ (especially small ones) ability to deliver goods and services or to make a living.
A Casino Would Bring Many Unwanted Problems to N. Va.
Congressman Frank Wolf (retired) wrote a letter to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors which is shared with the Connection. Wolf lives in Vienna.
Confusing FCDC Sample Ballot
Letters to the Editor
Some might be confused or fooled by the names that will appear on the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) sample ballot that will be distributed at the polls on Election Day.

Bright New Beginnings for 2025
Our budget challenges this year are driven by continuing needs to keep our highly rated schools funded. Schools are seeing increased needs that are not being met by the state, as was recently highlighted in a state study identifying that we should receive at least $600M more from Virginia.