
Sports / Basketball

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From the Beginning to the End

982 participants signed up for 2016 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics.

The Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO) opened Sept. 10 and ran through Sept. 21 with another record registration of 918 participants.

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High School March Madness in Alexandria

ASC to host Basketball Night March 20.


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The Other Alexandria: Making History: The Dream Team


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‘The Capital of Basketball’

ASC to host Chamblee, Elfin on Feb. 19.


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Earl Lloyd Statue Unveiled

Trailblazer broke the color barrier of the NBA

Under the glare of a national spotlight, Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier for Major League Baseball in 1947.

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

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ASC Honors Student-Athletes

High school basketball coaches featured in roundtable.

Student-athletes from across the city were honored as Athletes of the Month by the Alexandria Sportsman’s Club on Jan. 15 at the Old Dominion Boat Club.