Alexandria: 2015 Athletes of the Year
Angus King to keynote Alexandria Sportsman’s Club banquet.
Alexandria native Angus King, a former governor and current senator representing the state of Maine, will be on hand as the Alexandria Sportsman’s Club honors the city’s top high school athletes at its annual awards banquet May 19 at the Westin Hotel.

From the Beginning to the End
982 participants signed up for 2016 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics.
The Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO) opened Sept. 10 and ran through Sept. 21 with another record registration of 918 participants.
Augustin Praised for Environmental Stewardship in Alexandria
Belle Haven Country Club Golf Course superintendent receives state association award.

Sunny Day For Alexandria Chamber Golf Classic
The Alexandria Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic was held at Springfield Golf and Country Club on Monday, August 17, presented by MGM National Harbor.
New Charitable Event Kicked Off Mental Health Awareness Month
Kicking off Mental Health Awareness Month, a new golf tournament hosted by Alliance Executive Search and CBRE on May 3 raised more than $26,000 to benefit PRS, a leading behavioral health nonprofit serving Northern Virginia.

Reston Association Chooses New CEO
One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP
One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP