Alexandria Turkey Trot Goes Virtual
Race continues to support ALIVE!
The 45th annual Alexandria Turkey Trot, a Thanksgiving Day tradition that draws more than 6,000 runners to the streets of Del Ray, is moving to a virtual format for 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Run, Walk & Roll Challenge in Alexandria
American Legion to host virtual 24-mile challenge
With the city’s annual George Washington Birthday Parade on hold for this year, Alexandria’s American Legion Post 24 is hosting a commemorative virtual event to honor the nation’s first commander-in-chief.

Living Legends of Alexandria: Sister Act
Lindsey Swanson and Katey Halasz honored as Living Legends
When 18-year-old Kelley Swanson died just a few weeks after her graduation from T.C. Williams High School in 2005, her family wanted her spirit of giving and desire to help others to continue.

Reston Association Chooses New CEO
One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP
One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

Reston Masters Swim Team
In praise of swimming at all stages of life.
In praise of swimming at all stages of life.
Herndon Swim League Celebrates 40th Anniversary and Awards Scholarships
On Saturday July 22 the Herndon Swim League gathered for the 30th Annual All-League Meets.