
Sports / Volleyball

T.C. Williams Volleyball Ranked No. 3 in Northern Region

Senior Whitmire has led Titans to a 12-4 record.

The T.C. Williams volleyball team entered its Oct. 2 match ranked No. 3 in the Northern Region.

West Springfield Volleyball Sweeps T.C. Williams

Nagel leads Spartans with 10 kills.

Spartans edge Titans in sets one and two, run away with set three.

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When Dad (or Mom) Is High School Sports Coach

Local coaches and athletes share their feelings about the relationship between parent/coach and child/athlete.

Alexandria: 2015 Athletes of the Year

Angus King to keynote Alexandria Sportsman’s Club banquet.

Alexandria native Angus King, a former governor and current senator representing the state of Maine, will be on hand as the Alexandria Sportsman’s Club honors the city’s top high school athletes at its annual awards banquet May 19 at the Westin Hotel.

Alexandria: TC Williams Volleyball Led by First­Year Coach DeSain

Titans reached Conference 7 final last season.

AJ DeSain is in his first season as T.C. Williams volleyball head coach.

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From the Beginning to the End

982 participants signed up for 2016 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics.

The Northern Virginia Senior Olympics (NVSO) opened Sept. 10 and ran through Sept. 21 with another record registration of 918 participants.

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart