Guest House Art Show Brings Joy to Artists and Guests

Guest House Art Show Brings Joy to Artists and Guests

Guest House residents are busy working with the art therapy intern to create their submissions for their annual art show. The show is scheduled this year on April 9 from 6-8 pm at Principle Gallery on King Street. Guest House is a residential facility providing a six month program of services to newly released women who are non-violent offenders.

Katie Shapiro says about half of the women currently at Guest House are participating in the show whose theme is metamorphosis. 

“In the past we have had everything from paintings, sculpture, photography, songs written out on sheet music accompanied by a recording and even poetry written out and framed.”

Shapiro says when these women arrive at Guest House from imprisonment, it is a huge struggle — a big adjustment. “They may know the other people here, maybe not. They have to build new habits, go to classes, try things they have never tried before. They have to go outside their comfort zone.

“The Art Show gives them an opportunity to find joy in what they do. Many of them have never thought in the past about what really gives them joy.” Shapiro says this Art Show takes them out of their comfort zone. One of the participants had been a poet but had been away from it for a long time. “The Art Show reignited her flame.”

Another was impressed at the beautiful gallery where her work will be shown. She said she never thought her work would be displayed right next to someone else whose work would sell for thousands of dollars.

Shapiro says another of the artists is trying to build her art network so she can continue as a professional when she leaves Guest House. Shapiro describes the artist as a reflective person who is really determined to hone her skills and plan ahead for a life “out there” which is really good. And she is an encouraging person who gets some of the more shy people to give it a try.”

As one of the many programs and classes offered at Guest House, an art therapist is available to work with the Guest House residents. This year the art therapist is a student at George Washington University. “She spends 5-10 hours a week at the open art studios at the resident houses or just helping a resident unwind after a stressful day. It can be an extra support session.”

Shapiro says the Art Show will have amazing work. “Our women are amazing.”

Principle Gallery at 208 King Street was established in 1994 for merging, mid-career and established artists with a distinct personal approach.