To Protect and Serve in Alexandria

To Protect and Serve in Alexandria

30 x 30 initiative recognizes women in law enforcement.

APD Chief Tarrick McGuire, Mayor Alyia Gaskins, Lt. Tara Delio-May and Sgt. Nataliia Harvey at the 30 x 30 event promoting women in law enforcement March 11 at APD headquarters.

APD Chief Tarrick McGuire, Mayor Alyia Gaskins, Lt. Tara Delio-May and Sgt. Nataliia Harvey at the 30 x 30 event promoting women in law enforcement March 11 at APD headquarters.

The Alexandria Police Department joined with agencies across the country to participate in the 30 x 30 initiative during a March 11 event held at APD headquarters.

The 30 × 30 Initiative is a coalition of police leaders, researchers, and professional organizations who have joined together to support and advance the representation, experiences and well-being of women in policing agencies across the United States and beyond.

“The 30 x 30 initiative is a nationwide movement to advocate for women and ensure there are no unintentional inequities in how women are treated in law enforcement,” said APD Assistant Chief Tina Laguna.  “It’s about making sure that women have clothes that fit, ballistic vests made for our body types, but also about ensuring that women have a voice – not to complain but sometimes to celebrate.”

Laguna noted that the APD workforce is about 20 percent women while the national average is 13 percent.

“Some agencies have no women at all,” Lagina said. “We want to make sure that there are quality people in place. Studies show that communities have higher levels of trust with women police officers, that women use less force and less excessive force and are named fewer times in lawsuits. It’s about the community and ensuring that they are getting the best service as well.”

Artist Terance Richardson, a schoolmate of APD Chief Tarrick McGuire, has a sister with the Dallas Police Department. He was on hand to unveil a painting celebrating women in law enforcement.

“Growing up Tarrick always said he wanted to be in law enforcement and make a difference,” Richardson said. “I am here to support the Chief and honor my sister. I am thankful to be part of this initiative.”  

Maureen McGough is a co-founder of the 30 x 30 initiative and was on hand for the event.

“We work directly with law enforcement agencies and states around the country to try and understand how we can improve policies and assessments to better support and integrate women into policing,” McGough said. “The reality is that the profession was designed by and for men. Many people think this is a woman's issue and it’s for women to solve. But men hold 97 percent of the positions of power in this profession and it's incumbent on them to step up just as Chief McGuire has done.”

McGough said that the organization has seen a 28 percent increase in the representation of women through the 30 x 30 initiative, “so we’re pretty confident our approach is promising.”

Mayor Alyia Gaskins met with the women gathered at the event to thank them for their service.

“Today is dedicated to celebrating the women of the Alexandria Police Department,” Gaskins said. “We are here to recognize the way that you serve and your commitment to our community. I hope that you know that your work does not go unnoticed. Even if it doesn't always feel like it, even if you don't always hear it, our city is better, our city is stronger, and our city is safer because of each of the women in this room and in this department. Thank you for choosing a path of service.”