Alexandria Opinion

Alexandria Opinion


Opinion: Column: Time to Kill

(Again, not a cancer column. Given the title, it would be a pretty gruesome reference to my life in the cancer world if it were.)

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Pay Alexandria City Employees Fairly

The Alexandria City Government has a pay philosophy for its employees that salaries will “be competitive at a minimum with the average pay” of its comparators.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Plant Clinic Needed in Climate Crisis in Alexandria

When I completed my Master Gardener training in 1981, several of my classmates and I wanted to set up a plant clinic at the Alexandria Farmers' Market.

Opinion: Column: I'm the Big Winner

(Not a cancer column.)

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Consider Guaranteed Basic Income with Rescue Funding

As clergy, we understand how COVID-19 tested our communities’ resolve in more ways than one.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Boost City’s Investment in Childcare Workforce

On July 6, the Alexandria City Council will vote to decide how nearly $56.4 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will be used.

Opinion: Column: And the “Scancer” Is...

And the "Scancer" Is... ...stable, with a side of shrinkage, however modest.

Opinion: Column: Wait. What?

After each individual appointment with my oncologist, either virtual or in person, all my prescription needs and my next round of appointments are scheduled while I wait.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Local Voter Turnout: Is That What Faltered in Alexandria?

During the Pandemic, and long before, we have come to value reliable, informative and straightforward coverage provided by the Alexandria Gazette Packet reporting staff.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Alexandria City Council Primary Despair

You threw your hands up in despair when it came to presenting the Alexandria city council primary results.

Opinion: Column: Navigate This

(All these times are approximate – or they're not.

Opinion: Column: The Masks are Off...

...and I suppose life is back on, especially for those of us who have been vaccinated.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Don’t Sell Us Down the River

The American Horticultural Society’s (AHS) decision to sell off its River Farm headquarters in Alexandria, Va., hardly seems in keeping with its mission to “blend education, social responsibility and environmental stewardship with the art and practice of horticulture.”