City of Alexandria Elections

City of Alexandria Elections


Different Perspective

Visiting journalist from Nicaragua interviews voters in Northern Virginia.

Virginia citizens came out to vote early this morning to elect their next president after a campaign in which the candidates of the Republican and Democratic party spent at least $2 billion in search of votes.

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Alexandria Voters to Determine Direction of City Government

Growth, development, taxes and spending are the hot-button issues dividing candidates.

Are voters pleased with the recent direction of city government, which has dramatically increased the amount of density available to developers in recent years?

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Voters to Determine Fate of Amendment to Limit Use of Eminent Domain

Measure will allow property owners to seek damages for loss of profits and access.

Nowhere is the debate about eminent domain more intense than the foot of King Street in Alexandria, where city officials threatened to take land owned by the Old Dominion Boat Club using the power of eminent domain for flood mitigation.

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School Board Candidates Offer Perspectives on Failing Scores for Students with Disabilities

Incumbents defend record; challengers call for more action.

The last three years have seen test scores plummet for students with disabilities, a group that constitutes an expensive and vexing challenge for Alexandria City Public Schools.

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The Passover Amendment: Should Legislators Meet on Religious Holidays?

Former Del. David Englin (D-45) was behind amendment now before voters.

Every year, the Virginia General Assembly convenes several weeks after the session to react to the governor’s vetoes.

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Choice for Alexandria Voters: Insiders Versus Outsiders at City Hall

Growth, development, taxes and spending form dividing line between city candidates.

When they head into the voting booths on Election Day, Alexandria voters will be confronted with a choice: Do they like the recent direction of government at City Hall, where controversial planning decisions have divided the city and the average residential tax bill has nearly doubled in the last decade? Or are they looking for people who will work against the status quo?

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Is Money Buying Influence in the Race for Alexandria City Council?

Candidates accept contributions from people with business at City Hall.

Campaign finance documents show candidates for mayor and City Council have taken hundreds of dollars from people with business at City Hall.

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City Council Debate Heats Up Over Taxes and Spending

Candidates clash over budget issues at contentious candidates forum.

The high-water mark of Tuesday’s City Council candidates forum was a clash between former Councilman Justin Wilson and two incumbent members, Councilman Frank Fannon and Councilwoman Alicia Hughes, over taxes and spending, a key issue that hits voters in the pocketbook each year when property tax bills are issued.

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Clash for Mayor: Bill Euille Squares Off with Andrew Macdonald

Candidates for mayor meet in the first of three debates.

In their first of three scheduled debates Tuesday night at George Washington Middle School, three-term incumbent Democrat Bill Euille and independent challenger Andrew Macdonald clashed over the waterfront plan, the Base Closure and Realignment Commission and the scale of development in Alexandria.

On the Campaign Trail

With five weeks to go before Election Day, Republicans and Democrats have targeted a small number of jurisdictions as key battlegrounds, including Henrico County and Virginia Beach. Here in Northern Virginia, the key swing jurisdictions are Loudoun County and Prince William County, where Republican George W. Bush won in 2004 followed by Democrat Barack Obama in 2008 only to flip back the next year and vote fore Republican Bob McDonnell in 2009.

Letter: Campaign Donations

The November ballot is long and complicated and includes the local races at the end, after the national and state contests. Please make sure to vote and remember to complete your ballot by voting for the local candidates of your choice.

Letter: Questions for School Candidates

Is the school system doing all it can to prevent students from dropping out of school? If not, what more could be done? These are difficult questions, but ones we hope the candidates will grapple with.

Be Prepared: What's on the Ballot?

Early voting (technically voting absentee-in-person) is already underway in Virginia, so you can go out and vote this week.

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Two independents and a Libertarian Offer Variety for Voters in City Council Race

Three candidates hoping to land seats at City Hall without major party labels.

Alexandria politics has long been dominated by Democrats, although Republicans have been successful from time to time.

Letter: BRAC History Is Important

On Sept. 12, five West End Civic Associations hosted a candidate forum focused on West End issues, which was attended by all of the candidates running for City Council. These same civic associations invited the mayoral candidates to participate in a similar forum but Mayor Euille’s campaign staff explained, he is way too busy to spend an evening with the voters of the West End.