On the Campaign Trail
So far, three-term Mayor Bill Euille has yet to agree to a one-on-one debate with independent challenger and former Vice Mayor Andrew Macdonald.
Three-Way Race for the House of Delegates Special Election
Voters to choose between Democrat, Republican and Libertarian in lightning-fast campaign.
Voters in the special election for the House of Delegates have a variety of choices, offering candidates on the left and the right and somewhere in between.
On the Campaign Trail
What happens to City Councilman Rob Krupicka’s seat if he is elected to the House of Delegates next month? Fortunately for Democrats, it’s too late to have yet another special election.
A Stark Choice: Candidates in Special Election Are on Opposite Sides of Key Issues
Voters to choose between radically different views in September.
The summer of 2012 is turning out to be the hottest political season in recent memory, and not just because of the record-breaking temperatures.
Week in Alexandria
This week marked the first day of school at Mount Vernon Community School, which has about 100 more students than last year. It was also the first day of school at Tucker Elementary School, which has about 100 more students than last year. When the rest of the city’s schools open after Labor Day, Alexandria is preparing for a massive crunch.
Lightning Campaign Pits Longtime Elected Official Against Progressive Newcomer
Democrats to determine special election candidate this weekend.
This week, Democrats will determine their candidate in a special election blitz campaign that offers little time for voters to learn much about their options.
Week in Alexandria
For more than a month, voters in the 45th District have been waiting for Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell to call a special election to fill the seat vacacted by former Del. David Englin (D-45), who resigned to put his family back together after announcing he had been unfaithful in his marriage.
Update on Transforming Mt. Vernon Community School
The transformation process for Mt. Vernon Community School began in April when Superintendent of Schools Dr. Morton Sherman appointed T. C. Williams High School Executive Associate Principal Peter Balas to lead that process.
Gorsuch Re-Elected Board Chairman
At its organizational meeting on July 2, the Alexandria School Board voted to re-elect Sheryl Gorsuch as chairman and Helen Morris as vice chairman for the remainder of 2012. The current board will serve through Dec. 31, after which members elected by City of Alexandria voters on Nov. 6 will take office.
Wood Kicks Off City Council Campaign
Billed as “The Rally to Reset City Hall,” Republican candidate John R. “Bob” Wood formally launched his campaign for City Council June 14 with a kick-off reception for more than 120 supporters in the courtyard of Gadsby's Tavern.
17 Year Old's Political Career Shows Persistence
Evan Draim's efforts allowed him to win a delegate position in this year's Republican National Convention
While most 17 year olds were getting ready for prom or playing a varsity sport, Evan Draim was making phone calls, shaking hands, and giving speeches. That was because throughout spring, Draim was a campaigning to win one of the three delegate positions in Virginia's 8th congressional districts. "I wanted to show that the Republican party is interested in younger voters and is interested in the issues that they care about," said Draim about his interest in Republican politics.
Women Judges Award Scholarship
The Virginia Association of Women Judges recently awarded its annual $500 scholarship to Dildora Rakhmatullaeva, a senior at T.C. Williams High School...
On the Campaign Trail
For many years, Alexandria voters did not use paper ballots at all. They simply walked up to an election judge and announced their vote in public, a process known as “viva voce.”
Insiders Prevail in Hotly Contested Primary for Alexandria City Council
Incumbents and former incumbents win, pushing back calls for change.
Despite calls for change at City Hall, Alexandria voters sent a message Tuesday that they like the recent direction of city government, and they selected a slate of candidates that continues the status quo.
MVHS Wins Cappie Award
Mount Vernon High won a Cappie trophy
Mount Vernon High won a Cappie trophy at Sunday night’s 13th annual Cappie Awards Gala at The Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.