August 17, 2012
Stories this photo appears in:

Jim Moran: The $15 Million Congressman
During his years in Congress, Moran raised and spent about $1 million each campaign cycle.
One of the first things that happened after U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) announced he would not be running for reelection this year was that he cancelled a fundraising event.

Alexandria City Public Schools Administration Costs $3.6 million a Year
Administrators pull down competitive salaries for Northern Virginia.
In the classic Depression era tune "Nice Work if You Can Get It," Ira Gershwin describes "a man who only lives for making money" as one who "lives a life that isn't necessarily sunny." Here in Alexandria, the sun is not always shining on the Alexandria Public Schools central administration headquarters on Beauregard Street. But it is raining cash.

How Much Money Does Your School Administrator Make?
Alexandria school system has some of the highest paid administrators in the region.
The administrator in the corner office at your local school is sitting pretty with a six-figure paycheck.

List of Rejected Budget Cuts Reveals Thinking Behind Budget Proposal
Cuts that were cut may become key as budget season moves forward.
Imagine a world without school crossing guards or security screening at the courthouse — a city so strapped for cash it closes one of its fire stations and eliminates life insurance for its retired workers.

Is Money Buying Influence in the Race for Alexandria City Council?
Candidates accept contributions from people with business at City Hall.
Campaign finance documents show candidates for mayor and City Council have taken hundreds of dollars from people with business at City Hall.
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