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Jackson Moves On from McLean

McLean High School Principal Dr. Deborah Jackson leaves after five years.

After five years at McLean High School, Dr. Deborah Jackson left her position as principal July 2 to take a new position within Fairfax County Public Schools. Jackson, who is a member of the McLean Rotary Club, was cited by parents and many organizations for her commitment to the school and the community surrounding it.

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Outgoing MCA President Honored

Rob Jackson named Lord of Fairfax for Dranesvile District.

Rob Jackson, who served the most terms as president in the history of the McLean Citizens Association, was honored by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors as Lord of Fairfax for the Dranesville District. Jackson, the outgoing president, became involved in community affairs after a random encounter years ago.

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MCA Hosts Annual Membership Meeting

Association says farewell to president, provides McLean Community Foundation update.

The McLean Citizens Association hosted their annual members meeting Wednesday, May 23, saying farewell to President Rob Jackson and welcoming new president Sally Horn. Jackson, who is wrapping up his fifth term (the most of any MCA president), said he was proud of the MCA’s work on a number of issues over the past five years.

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