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Public Takes Its Turn

Middle school in South County unites parents, while boundary recommendations divide neighborhoods.

Public Takes Its Turn


County Notebook

County Notebook


12 More Years in Prison for Young

Altogether, he's been sentenced to 44 years.

12 More Years in Prison for Young


Public Takes Its Turn

Middle school in South County unites parents, while boundary recommendations divide neighborhoods.

Public Takes Its Turn

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Lacing Up for Gianna

Langley basketball team comes together in support of their coach’s daughter.

Throughout our high school years we have our takeaways. The people and the moments that when we are young guide us, and when we are older follow us. In 1981, at Langley High School there were two teachers who believed in an overly chatty girl with a bigger interest in her social life than studying for her next exam.

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Arlington Neighborhood Day on May 12

From picnics to pony rides, Arlingtonians are gearing up for another great Neighborhood Day! On Saturday, May 12, neighborhoods from Bluemont to Dominion Hills will connect residents at events throughout the County.


Weekly Entertainment (Vienna/McLean/Great Falls)

July 19-26.

Entertainment in Vienna/McLean/Great Falls.


Top 100: Grant Hill, South Lakes, Basketball, 1990

Seahawks superstar championed Duke to two titles and made the leap to NBA All-Star and Olympic Team.

There was a time before Grant Hill belonged to the rest of the world. There was a time before Hill was a 7-time NBA All-Star and member of the Orlando Magic or Detroit Pistons or even before he was a member of two NCAA champion Duke University basketball teams.

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A New Beginning for Fairfax County Public Libraries?

Library trustees vote to discard beta plan in favor of more public outreach sessions.

On Wall Street, a “beta” test refers to assessing the risk, volatility and expected return of a particular portfolio. If Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) officials had a crystal ball to assess the volatility of its planned beta tests this fall, it’s likely they may have steered clear of the project that became a quagmire of epic proportions.


Centre View Bulletin Board: Nov. 21, 2012

Upcoming events


Bulletin Board

The Chantilly Academy Auto Technology and Auto Collision Repair classes are looking for used cars as donations to the program. Contact Ann Booker at 703-227-3041 or Kenny Brown at 703-222-7466. Northern Virginia Neighbors Club. A non-profit organization offering an opportunity to meet new friends. Activities include book clubs, card games, crafts, fitness, gardening, mah jong, needleworks, rummoli, theater and more. Meet members at one of the monthly luncheons, coffees or mixers. Email nvn156@yahoo.com.


Classified Advertising

Read the latest Employment, Classifieds and Home and Garden ads here!


Police Notes

Police Notes


Customers Come First for New WMATA Chief

Lee District supervisor heads Metro Board.

Customers Come First for New WMATA Chief

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Vienna: Joel’s Story

After foster care experience: Architecting his own path.

Joel was taken into foster care when he was a high school junior, after reporting to a coach what was going on at home. Schools are “mandatory reporters,” and, as such, they are legally compelled to call social services in a case like Joel’s.

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Vienna: Koshuta Twins Overcame ACL Injuries

Kelly will play basketball at Virginia Tech, Joe to play football.

The Koshuta twins each suffered an ACL injury while at Madison, but each will play a sport at Virginia Tech.


Burke Home Sales: April, 2015

In April, 2015, 57 Burke homes sold between $811,100-$118,000.

Burke Home Sales: April, 2015


McLean Home Sales: January, 2015

In January, 2015, 52 homes sold between $2,575,000-$210,000 in the McLean and Falls Church area.

McLean Home Sales: January, 2015


New York Bound

Negro Ensemble Company selects local playwright.

Alexandria resident and playwright McKenya Dilworth will be one step closer to realizing some of her biggest dreams on Sunday, March 29.

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Alexandria/Mount Vernon Weekend Fun: June 12-14

Events in Alexandria and Mount Vernon for the weekend of June 12-14