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Military Notes April

Military Notes April


Military Notes April

Military Notes April


Alexandria: The Band Plays On

Students, parents, and teachers reflect on music camp experience before Friday’s concert.

On Friday, the George Washington Middle will host a student orchestra and jazz concert. For attendees, the concert will be a free hour of live music. But for the performers, the concert is the culmination of a week of practice and learning at the Alexandria City Public Schools’ music camp.


Change Surprises ARHA

Some public housing residents affected by tax credit limit.

Change Surprises ARHA


Tree-Cutting Angers Residents

Clearing pathway of gas pipeline at root of residents' anger.

Tree-Cutting Angers Residents

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Best of Reston, Best of Inspiration

Bob Simon’s Reston honored at Silver Anniversary of Cornerstones partnership with the Reston Chamber of Commerce.

Olivia Wolfe, Hannah Becker and Kacey Hirschfeld ensured that their childhood friend Amy Boyle was honored with them Thursday night at the Hyatt Regency Reston ballroom.


Cappies Program Introduced

South Lakes High School

Cappies Program Introduced

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‘This is Us’ Gala in Arlington Features Local Performer

Event to benefit Arlington Community Foundation.


A Police Drama With A Twist

Port City Playhouse mounts taut "Spit Second."

A Police Drama With A Twist


Education Notebook - 06/18/03

Education Notebook - 06/18/03

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‘In Charge of Your Own Little World’

Featuring 45 tables of trains and train accessories, a “train doctor” who repaired broken trains and an operating layout built by three boys, the Train Collectors Sale and Show was held Saturday, Sept. 13, at the Vienna Firehouse.


Letter: Displacing The Poor

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Beauregard Small Area Plan working session held at the Landmark Mall. As many of your readers may be aware, this plan is quite contentious — particularly to the residents of the West End neighborhood who will be most impacted.


Old Town News Closes

Another lost King Street landmark

Old Town News Closes


Locker Commons Banished

Reston’s middle school readies for start of school.

Locker Commons Banished

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Teaching Healing Through Altruism

Marymount students learn counseling technique by helping U.S. troops.

A group of counseling students got to experience a therapeutic technique while also helping service men and women serving in Afghanistan. Graduate students in the Pastoral Counseling program at Marymount University in Arlington assembled care packages for U.S. troops as part of a community service requirement. One of the project’s goals was to teach the future therapists how altruism can have long-term mental health benefits.


Letter: Place Plaque In Museum

Letter to the Editor

It’s about time we discuss whether the city should have a statue of a Confederate soldier facing south in the middle of Washington Street (“Confederate Concerns,” July 1). While that debate proceeds, another and more offensive Confederate marker needs to be removed


Help Homeless Animals

Dog adoption events are held by Homeless Animals Rescue Team, HART, each Saturday, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Petco store, Greenbriar Shopping Towncenter, 13053 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy., Fairfax. For more