All results / Stories / Dan Brendel/Gazette Packet
How To Define — and Provide — Affordable Housing in Alexandria?
Revised Resolution 830 won’t require maintaining affordability levels for public housing redevelopments.
Zoning, Pets and Religion, Oh My in Alexandria
In split vote, council approves poultry slaughterhouse.

Know Your City: Family and Marriage in Alexandria
A look at some changes, challenges faced by parents, marriages, youth.

Big Changes, Turmoil for Alexandria's DASH
City’s bus system looks ahead to route and technology overhauls, labor unrest.

Right to Organize in Alexandria
DASH bus drivers to begin collective bargaining, following clashes over unionization.
‘Looking for Skeptics’ Regarding Amazon Deal
A gap between residents’ concerns and governments’ optimism.

‘Largest Return on Investment’ in Alexandria
Virginia’s First Lady visits local preschool, says early development a priority.
City of Alexandria Elections: In the Race for Mayor and Council
Wilson unopposed for mayor; nine others compete for remaining six seats.

Know Your City: Early Care and Education in Alexandria
A look at the ecosystem serving Alexandria’s youngest.
‘It Takes a Lot of Subsidy’ in Alexandria
Sources stretch to fund forthcoming homeless shelter, affordable housing.

Define High School
ACPS launches community engagement process for revamping programming, accommodating enrollment.

Words of the Prophets: Written on Tenement Halls in Alexandria
Working group recommends fortifying, possibly expanding public housing resolution.

‘You’ve Got To Sustain Them’ in Alexandria
Advisory group considers challenge of preserving low-income housing.

Money Mishmash in Alexandria
Advisory group considers financing and policy tools for public housing.

‘Good Project on a Challenging Site’ in Alexandria
City Council weighs trade-offs in approving church’s affordable housing project.

‘Affordability’ vs. ‘Sustainability’ in Alexandria
Advisory group considers challenges to preserving public housing stock.
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