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All results / Stories / Shirley Ruhe

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Eviction Nears Crisis Levels in City of Alexandria

Relief funds have run out, and legal protections are slim.

Relief funds have run out, and legal protections are slim.

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Homeless Services Center is Full and Need is Growing

End of eviction moratorium leaves more demand for shelter.

Homeless Center

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Free Tax Returns Prepared Locally

The way it works is that when you arrive you will be interviewed by a tax counselor who will collect your information and then prepare your return. A second counselor will then review your return with you and answer any questions you may have. You will receive a printed copy of your return for your records and then your return will be electronically filed for you.

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Bach to Michael Jackson (and he’s only 8-years-old)

“Billy Jean is not my lover…… People always told me be careful of what you do. Don’t go around breaking young girls’ hearts. Yeeeeeeee”

Afghan Refugee Dreams of Peace

Afghan Refugee

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It’s Not Just a Haircut—It’s A Life Experience

It was 2011, and Dwight Grant was having an identity crisis.

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Let Them Eat Pie

Wendy MacCallum and Heather Sheire find a winning formula at Livin’ the Pie Life.


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Living Legends of Alexandria

Dana Lawhorne – A Life of Service

Living Legend
