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MPAartfest Artists Meet in McLean Central Park
MPAartfest Director Amy Swaak conducted a walkthrough of McLean Central Park Wednesday, July 31 for artists selected to be in MPAartfest.
Board Attitude Found Rude
To the Editor: On May 15, Amy Smith, a resident of the Nethergate community, located at the intersection of Bashford and Abingdon Roads, attended a meeting of the Board of Architecture Review (BAR) in order to petition the Board for a Certificate of Appropriateness, allowing her to retain the new windows she had installed which in part were made of vinyl. I attended this meeting and was stunned by the rudeness of this board.
A Herndon Year
Arts Herndon announced the winners for the 6th Annual Herndon Town Calendar Photo Competition. The prize-winning art will be highlighted in the upcoming Herndon Calendar, which is mailed to every business and resident of the town in December.
Democrates in the 10th District Nominate John Foust
The field of GOP contenders vying for retiring U.S. Rep. Frank R. Wolf’s seat is still crowded, but the Democratic pool of political hopefuls dwindled to one on Monday: Fairfax County Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville). The Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee (10th CDDC) announced Monday, March 17, it had cancelled its April 26 convention after Foust became the only candidate to file to seek the Democratic nomination for Congress. “To win this race in November we needed to avoid a costly primary and coalesce around a nominee as soon as possible,” said Committee Chairman Charlie Jackson in a statement regarding the decision. “We’ve done that and we couldn’t be happier that John Foust will become our nominee and have the ability to hit the ground running right away as our standard bearer.”
Calendar Notes
Calendar Notes
Calendar Notes
Calendar Notes
Mount Vernon Baseball Briefs
Mount Vernon Baseball Briefs
The Joint Chiropractic Opens in Fairfax
The Joint Chiropractic is now open in Fairfax at the Greenbriar Town Center, 13037B Lee Jackson Memorial Highway.
Cast and crew list for "Peter Pan:"
Cast and crew list for "Peter Pan:"
New Oak Hill Principal to Lead the Pack
Amy Goodloe takes leadership role over the "Wolves."
New Oak Hill Principal to Lead the Pack
Garden Club Members Spread Christmas Cheer
Getting Around
Garden Club Members Spread Christmas Cheer
Potomac Youngsters Find Way To Help Homeless
Collecting donations to buy essentials.
Brady and Jordan Cohen, son and daughter of Amy and Michael Cohen of Potomac, often asked their parents why there are homeless people on street corners begging for money from people in cars stopped at traffic lights.
Wilson Defeats Silberberg in Alexandria Democratic Committee Straw Poll
City’s Democrats also pick their favorites for council.
Pups and Pints 5k and After Party
All-day event benefits Fairfax Station-based Homeless Animal Rescue Team.
For (Some) Women, Right to Vote Came 100 Years Ago
City marks centennial of 19th amendment
Harry Burn was a staunch anti-suffragist.
Alexandria City Council Puts Seminary Road on a Diet
City slims four-lane thoroughfare into Complete Street with bike lanes.
Songs of Hope
Tales of apartheid, photographs of AIDS orphans central focus of World AIDS Day Concert.
Songs of Hope