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Alexandria Votes for Change

Wilson wins mayoral nomination; newcomers Bennett-Parker, Aguirre, Seifeldein, Jackson make history.

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MCA Hosts Annual Membership Meeting

Association says farewell to president, provides McLean Community Foundation update.

The McLean Citizens Association hosted their annual members meeting Wednesday, May 23, saying farewell to President Rob Jackson and welcoming new president Sally Horn. Jackson, who is wrapping up his fifth term (the most of any MCA president), said he was proud of the MCA’s work on a number of issues over the past five years.

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What to Know about Affordable Housing in Alexandria

Problems and opportunities.

A second grade teacher in Alexandria public schools makes roughly $22 per hour. A first-rank police officer in the city earns $23 per hour.

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‘I Moved Here and It’s Been Life-Changing’

Special financing arrangement makes workforce housing a reality.

Browne Names New Administrator

Bryan Jackson will become the new Head of Lower School at Browne Academy, effective July 2017.

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Arlington: Triumph Over Loss at Yorktown Graduation

Parents and students celebrate perseverance.

The Green Household is going to be a little quieter after graduation. On June 23, Viktor Green was one of the 440 graduates from Yorktown to walk across the stage at Constitution Hall in D.C. Viktor Green lives one block away from Yorktown High School, and so throughout the sports seasons the teams would come over to their house for lunches and snacks.

Schools Work to Gain Accreditation

Bucknell: Before, During, and After-School Programs

Schools Work to Gain Accreditation

Schools Work To Gain Accreditation

Part Four: Bucknell provides programs before, during and after school.

Schools Work To Gain Accreditation

Getting to Know Amy Jordan

Getting to Know Amy Jordan

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Artists Visit McLean Central Park

MPAartfest 2012 hosts orientation for artists.

MPAartfest Coordinator Amy Swaak and MPAartfest Artist Liaison chair, Molly Kelly Ryan, took some of the artists participating in this year's MPAartfest on a tour of McLean Central Park on Thursday, July 26.

New Faces at McLean High

New principal Deborah Jackson and new assistant principal Christie Taylor kick off the 2007-08 school year.

New Faces at McLean High

Some Remain Concerned Over Principal Shift

Parents square off with superintendent over decision.

Some Remain Concerned Over Principal Shift

Rohrbaugh and Thrift Wed

Rohrbaugh and Thrift Wed

Obituary: Ruth E. Greifer

Ruth E. Greifer died Feb. 22, 2013 at her home in Rockville, Md.

First, Set Goals ...

School Board members ask residents what they want from their schools.

First, Set Goals ...

First, Set School Goals ...

School Board members ask residents what they want from their schools.

First, Set School Goals ...

Area Roundups

Chantilly High, Fairfax High, Falls Church High, Oakton High, Robinson Secondary, Woodson High, Franklin Middle, Frost Middle, Jackson Middle, Lanier Middle and Rocky Run Middle are all schools involved in the boundary study to relieve overcrowding at Fairfax High and Lanier Middle School.

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City Election: Yo Yo Road Diet

Four Democrats support four lanes on Seminary Road.

The lingering resentment over Seminary Road bike lanes comes with a price tag, somewhere between $300,000 and $700,000 — a cost four City Council candidates say they’re willing to pay for returning four lanes of traffic to the street.

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Potomac’s Matt Belford, Champion Skier — Now Teaches

He also heli-guides In Alaska.

Twenty-three years ago, The Potomac Almanac published the story of 14 year-old local skier Matt Belford. Fast-forward to 2012 where Belford splits his time between Jackson Hole Mountain Resort as an instructor and Rendezvous Mountain Lodge where he serves as a heli-ski guide, coaching adventure-seekers through the steep and deep powder of the Valdez mountain range.