Co-Responder Program Needed Immediately
Two officers use tasers; one officer fires four shots, killing 26-year-old man during a mental health crisis inside his family’s McLean home.
Jasper Aaron Lynch’s twin sister wanted to help her brother who was having a mental health crisis. Three Fairfax County Police officers hoped to help, too.

Disturbing Video of Police Shooting
Police release video of police shooting death of Reston man at Springfield Town Center; chief defends officers’ actions.
Police release video of police shooting death of Reston man at Springfield Town Center; chief defends officers’ actions.
Is Your Car Worth More Than Last Year?
Probably, and the car tax owed is probably also going up.
Car value

Dissenting American Horticultural Society Board Members Told to Be Silent
Nova Parks offers a second proposal to purchase River Farm from AHS.
Five members of the American Horticultural Society’s board of directors – half of the voting members of the board, they say – voiced public opposition to the proposed sale of River Farm.

Board Approves Historic Zoning for River Farm in Mount Vernon
Annenberg Foundation reasserts intent on restrictions, requirements of grant.
Signs have been posted in front of American Horticultural Society headquarters that say the property is closed to the public, said Katherine Ward, of the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens’ Associations.
Matrix, Sunlight Discussed at Fairfax County Public Safety Committee
Community, advocacy groups and police give more than 2,500 suggestions on police reform; Governor signs reform bills from special session
Police reform includes improving morale for police officers.

U.S. Park Police Charged in Killing of McLean Resident
Family has waited for justice since November 2017 when Bijan Ghaisar was shot.
Latest: Police Officers Turn Themselves In

COVID-19: Not a Fair Fight in Alexandria
Regional perspective: pandemic exposes health inequality leading up to discrepancies in life expectancy.
In Alexandria, the Latinx population, which comprises 16.8 percent of the City, accounts for 55.5 percent of Alexandria’s positive cases of COVID-19.
Marijuana Decriminalized July 1 in Virginia
Will decriminalization of marijuana stop inequitable treatment for communities of color?
Who is more likely to be charged, asked Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw. An executive of a defense contractor smoking marijuana on his deck overlooking woods in Clifton or Great Falls, or the Black teen or young adult walking down Route One in Mount Vernon, or on a street in the Annandale or Culmore sections of Fairfax County?
Alexandria: This Week in Covid
Library fees, George Floyd, pandemic within pandemic, combating institutional racism, playgrounds opening, auto loan relief and more.
The Virginia Department of Health updated its demographics dashboard to include additional racial reporting categories for case, hospitalization and death data.

COVID-19: Not a Fair Fight
Regional perspective: pandemic exposes health inequality leading up to discrepancies in life expectancy.
The zip codes with higher concentrations of poverty, lower education levels, and crowded housing conditions tend to have the highest rates of COVID.

Alexandria’s Week in Coronavirus
Quaranteens, nursing home holes, virtual boxing, rental relief and more.
BACKLOGGED TESTS: Starting on June 9, the Virginia Department of Health’s COVID-19 data dashboard will reflect 13,000 additional tests that were backlogged.

Alexandria’s Week in Coronavirus
The City of Alexandria and the Alexandria Health Department (AHD) remind everyone that the safest place to be is at home.

Alexandria’s Week in Coronavirus
OPENING NOW: Northern Virginia will open into Phase 1 on Thursday, May 28.

Alexandria Week in Coronavirus
More 89,000 deaths in United States, more than 275 cases in Alexandria in one week, but most of Virginia eases restrictions.

Fairfax Week in Coronavirus
Fairfax County cases increase more than 1,600 in last week, and Virginia rises more than 6,000 cases as most of the state eases restrictions.

This Week in Coronavirus: Alexandria
Will Phase One begin Friday? Alexandria Mayor and chairs of Fairfax and Arlington Boards respond.

This Week in Alexandria Coronavirus
Alexandria approaches 1,000 reported coronavirus cases and Virginia surpasses 20,000, but Phase I recovery could come May 15.

This Week in Alexandria in Coronavirus
United States passed one million Covid-19 Cases, and more than 50,000 deaths, while here at home, business task forces, hunger, more medicaid, expired licenses and more.
Coronavirus Could Hit Families’ Finances: Seeking Paid Sick Leave for All
Don Beyer advocates for paid sick leave legislation and then self-quarantines after friend tests positive.
Coronavirus Could Hit Families’ Finances
Millions of workers lack the sick leave that coronavirus could demand.

About Time or Déjà Vu at American Legion Bridge?
The Board of Supervisors pushes for Maryland to add capacity to the bridge.
Full Conversation Requires Money on the Table in Fairfax County
Board intends to keep options open by advertising tax increase.

Extracurriculars: Secret Sauce of Success in Fairfax County
Superintendent’s budget eliminates barrier of $50 activity fee.
Could Empty Office Buildings Be Transformed?
The equivalent of 308 football fields of office space are vacant in Fairfax County.
Planning Changes to Fairfax County Planning Commission
Twelve-member commission endures multiple changes through grief, triumphs, retirement and more during 2017.

Renting Out Homes Through the Net in Fairfax County
Proposed zoning rules would allow residents to operate short-term lodging as an accessory use of a home.
Planning Affirms Murraygate Village in Mount Vernon
Five more units to stay.
Fairfax County’s Redevelopment and Housing Authority requested five more units for planned Murraygate Village, garden style apartments immediately west of the Mount Vernon Crossroads shopping center in the Hybla Valley area near Richmond Highway.

Meals Tax? Ballot Possibility
Board of Supervisors potentially set to approve meals tax ballot question on June 7.
A majority of The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voiced support last week for including a Meals Tax Referendum as part of the 2016 General Election.
County Budget Approved
Bulova calls the budget a “booster shot.”
When the Board of Supervisors approved the budget on Tuesday, April 26, they increased taxes by about $300 for the average homeowner and increased funding for schools by 5 percent.

Four-Cent Tax Rate Increase, with Side of Vitriol
Reconsideration hours later gives same result; board will consider putting meals tax to referendum in November.
Tuesday morning, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted for a four-cent tax rate increase, advertising a tax rate of $1.13 per $100 of assessed value.

County Budget Presented, About $300 More per Household
County Executive: Revenue growth is insufficient to fund all priorities. Schools still $68 million short.
County Executive Ed Long recommended a four-cent increase to the real estate tax rate.
Virginia Cigarette Tax Remains Lowest in Nation
Opportunity for increase in cigarette tax blows up in smoke.
Dale Stein and the McLean Citizens Association couldn’t even raise a match before legislators in Richmond extinguished a possible increase in the cigarette tax for Fairfax County.
Snowzilla Summit Ahead
Board names Fairfax County Animal Shelter for Michael Frey.
“What a difference a week makes,” said County Chairman Sharon Bulova (D), in case anybody had moved on from the 29.3 inches of measured snow at Dulles Airport during the recent blizzard.
Proffers in Danger?
Richmond caught the attention of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors this week specifically with House Bill 770 (Gilbert) and Senate B 549 (Obenshain), bills Sharon Bulova says will place “significant restrictions” on development, specifically citing “unreasonable proffers.”
Snowzilla Summit Ahead
Board names Fairfax County Animal Shelter for Michael Frey.
“What a difference a week makes,” said County Chairman Sharon Bulova (D), in case anybody had moved on from the 29.3 inches of measured snow at Dulles Airport during last week’s blizzard.

Calls to Widen American Legion Bridge
Each weekday, nearly 300,000 vehicles cross the American Legion Bridge, and each day traffic backs up into McLean, Great Falls and beyond.

Residents List Priorities for General Assembly
Residents tell legislators of priorities ahead of the 60-day session of the General Assembly.
Barbara Quesada, parent of a Franklin Sherman Elementary School student, reminded the General Assembly delegation from Fairfax that Nova Firearms opened its new store right next to the McLean elementary school.
County Limits Dog Tethering
“Man’s best friend deserves legal protection,” said Peggy Marshall, who adopted her best friend, Bianca.
Environmental Quality of Life
Advisory Council issues 512-page vision for county environmental policy.
Flooding will rise in concern in Fairfax County as a result of climate change, warned Stella Koch, chairperson of the county’s Environmental Quality Advisory Council.
Quiet Riot: ‘C’mon Feel the Noise’
County passes new noise ordinance, will revisit effectiveness in 18 months.
The Board of Supervisors is at peace with the county’s new Noise Ordinance.

Chairman Candidates Offer Stark Differences
Anti-taxer Arthur Purves challenging incumbent Chairman Sharon Bulova.
Sharon Bulova is exactly where she wants to be. “I believe in local government. It’s where the rubber hits the road, and where you’re closest to your constituents,” said Bulova, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, the top elected official in Fairfax County.

Holocaust Remembrance Day in Fairfax County
"One of the most important things we do."
Holocaust survivor Michel Margosis spoke before the Board of Supervisors, Tuesday, April 7, when the Board of Supervisors made a proclamation declaring April 16 as Holocaust Remembrance Day in Fairfax County.
More Than 200 Attend First Fairfax County Budget Hearing
Schools, libraries, economic development authorites and others seek more funding while tax-hawks call for reductions.
More than 200 people packed the Fairfax County Government auditorium Tuesday, April 7, and 60 speakers were scheduled to testify before the Board of Supervisors on the advertised budget. The hearing began with a presentation by School Board Chairman Tamara Derenak Kaufax. Members of the Fairfax County School Board sat in the front row, gave a standing ovation, and remained standing as Kaufax finished her testimony to begin the budget hearings.
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